
Is Your Dog A Tugger?

Many dogs resort to tugging when you're trying to leash train them - some continue to do this, making it a frustrating tug of war every time you go on a walk.

What many new dog owners don't realize is that this pulling can cause damage to a dog's spine and trachea when they pull too hard on a collar. Breeds with short necks are even more at risk for this type of injury.

So what's the solution? A dog harness. Unlike a dog collar, a harness fits around the front legs and low on the torso, taking the pressure off of the neck area.

Owners report they have much more control with aleather dog harness than a regular collar. Yet at the same time, this is a much more gentle way to teach your dog his walking manners IMHO.


A Dog's Christmas Stocking

When you're making out that Christmas gift list, don't forget faithful old Rover.

This week I've been boning up on what dog toys make a dog smile. One that popped right up, is something to chew. Dogs need to chew and if there are no chew toys around, they may just take a fancy to your shoes to satisfy this natural instinct.

In addition to chew toys, there are many other fun dog toys to amuse Rover and keep him out of mischief when he's left alone. So if you're feeling generous when it's time to fill your dog's stocking, load them up and you'll make him smile!


What's In Your Dog's Dinner?

This has been the year for dog owners to become concerned about what's in the commercial dog food they buy.

Even if their dog food was not one of the pet foods that were recalled, there still remains some serious doubts about the nutritional value of most commercial brands.

These doubts can easily be put aside when a dog owner opts for home made dog food, IMHO.

And, it's not a difficult thing to do - you can find how to make home made dog food and recipes here.

Hopefully, if we get the word out, more dogs will get the quality of food they deserve from now on.


The Magnificent Greyhound

I felt compelled to write about the Greyhound today. A very kind lady and also a neighbor, died recently. She was strong supporter of the Greyhound rescue and had a beautiful rescued dog of her own until he died, not too long before she became ill. This post is in her honor.

The Greyhound is an elegant dog with high intelligence. He makes an excellent companion dog, both loyal, very loving and gentle.

This ancient breed has been immortalized in murals dating back thousands of years, where their likenesses have been found decorating the walls of caves.

The Egyptians revered the Greyhound and often his images have seen in the tombs of kings.

It's been said they dwelt in the court of Cleopatra, where they were revered for their coursing skills.

Sadly, in my opinion, because of their incredible speed, they have also been exploited and abused by the racing industry.

Find out more about the Greyhound, an amazing dog!


Are you thinking of a Christmas puppy?

At this time of year, when many families are considering a new puppy, I'd like to urge everyone to consider all the the responsibilities that come with owning a dog, before they decide.

If I had a wish, step one would be that everyone must read this article, before they get a dog.

Puppies are wonderful, but they grow up very quickly into adult dogs. They need a forever home where they will be loved, nourished and nurtured into old age. It's a big commitment and one that deserves a lot of thought. Way too many healthy dogs and puppies wind up in animal shelters with nothing but grim prospects.

On the other hand, once you are fully committed to having a dog, why not be a hero and rescue one of those pets that are waiting in dog shelters with hope in their heart. You'll be glad you did, I guarantee.

We're all in favor of this kind of Dog Spoiling!


A Den For Your Dog

Every dog retains their ancient instincts to seek out a den. For this reason, when you are bringing a new dog into your home, a dog crate can be a very useful tool to incorporate into your pet's training. It will be natural for your dog to seek out a place of his own where he feels safe and can take refuge when things get stressful or he is tired - and when that happens the crate will look just like the den he needs.

Once the crate is seen in a kindly light, there are many ways a dog owner can use "the den" to facilitate training in a perfectly acceptable manner to his pet.

If you're expecting a puppy or new dog any time soon, you'll be doing yourself and your dog a favor by finding out more about dog crates, IMHO.


Doggy Washing Machine?

Have you seen it? Yes, the latest thing in the doggy news is a "washing machine" just for pooches!

The machine itself is very similar to a front loading washing machine for clothes - only much larger. Once inside the machine, the dog can look out a front window while being sprayed with warm sudsy water coming from several directions, and then rinsed. After the wash is completed, a blow drying system starts up to finish the job. I watched a video showing a few dogs, both large and small, being washed and they didn't appear nervous about the experience.

These machines are evidently just starting to show up in dog spas, but, IMHO, I still think "spoiled" doggies, will prefer a hands-on Spa Day Right At Home, given by their doting master! What do you think?


Reminders From Rover - don't forget the dog!

If a dog's prayers were answered, bones would rain from the sky.....Old Proverb

As we rush around in the pre-holiday mania of shopping, planning trips, family celebrations and the like, it's easy to forget the important things our pets expect us to do for them. Any dog will tell you that his needs should be at the top of your fetch list and of course, numero uno for a "spoiled" doggy, is what you will put in his stocking? And it had better be good, or he'll bark about it till you get it right!

On a more practical note, pet sitters and boarding facilities get booked up early. And, if Rover has a fave person he likes to pet sit, or a canine country club that gives him the spa treatment, you won't want to disappoint him, will you? So, he a dog hero and get his paw in the appointment book early.

That's the least we can do for our spoiled puppies, IMHO. Enjoy the licks.


Miniature Pinscher - Not Your Average Dog!

Tiny dogs have been known to exist as far back as the Stone Age and many of them are ancestors to several of the small dogs we love today.

The Miniature Pinscher was known early on as the Reh Pinscher, apparently because he resembled the small roe deers that lived in German forests. He was skilled at exterminating mice and rats, which he did very well in the farmhouse.

The tiny Min Pins, as they are fondly called, are energetic, high strung, intelligent and clownish. They can be a handful - no pun intended - which is an important consideration before getting one. If you are prepared for this and have the time to train them, they make very sweet pets IMHO.

Learn more about the feisty Miniature Pinscher